Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Any last requests?

I'm having my party on Saturday - and to add to the fancy-dress fun I have organised a karaoke.

This post is to ask - do you have any song requests? I might even post video of the chaos!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

So, it’s my birthday soon . . .

List of wants:
  • an underwater car (an estate version)
  • a helicopter (and landing pads)
  • a jet pack
  • a bridge
    (not greedy – any of those four would be great)
  • an hour for lunch every day
  • a gym at work
  • enough guilt to make sure i use the gym every day, during lunch, at work
  • an au pair. For H, not me! Well, OK – for me – so I can go to the festival in June without him (sorry H)
  • a term-time contract that pays the same as I am paid now
  • everyone to have a great time at my party

Sunday, 7 February 2010

First past the post

Too many friends read my other blog - and it's had its day I think - but with the need to still sometimes blather on, I've started this place for my nonsense.

This might be the one and only mind dump - but I need to get stuff off my chest.

I was invited out for a curry with friends last night. This was great, a lovely night - not too late - not too much beer. But . . . .

It was a table full of 'normal' family folk - Dads and Mums, with kids at home. Just me as the odd one out. I'm used to being the only person flying solo on nights out, and I'm really happy that I was included. But . . . .

They all spent the night describing their past, fabulous family trips away - and then their future, fabulous family trips away.

I know it's mostly down to my own lack of imagination, and fear of failure and the 'new', and I try really hard to not get maudlin about our situation, but I still do. Especially when beer is involved. Then I start to feel sorry for myself - and pissed off that my friends don't have mind-reading powers so they can empathise with me.

I'll be fine in a couple of days. And the 'I'm so hard-done-by' feelings will dissipate.

After all, I have:
  • a beautiful son
  • a beautiful girlfriend (just wish I could live nearer, and see more often)
  • a great job
  • a gorgeous house
  • food in my belly
  • lots of 'stuff'

Maybe I'm more worried about turning 40 than I thought I was?

UPDATE: Organised a swimming trip for this afternoon - self-pity is now on hold.